Tuesday, April 27, 2010


At the beginning of the week, we print out spelling lists to hand in to the front desk to be posted online for students for their end-of-the-week spelling tests. This isn't even my class, but my director just called me in to interrogate me about the issue. Her first question was if it was my handwriting, to which I replied (honestly), "no." So she went on to explain that somebody marked out "calendar" by hand and wrote in "calender" on one of the official lists, so a lot of students got it wrong and now she needs an explanation to give to the parents, as if this were my fault. She asked me "Well, whose handwriting is it?" I'm really sorry, but I really don't know. I can only identify the other native female teacher's handwriting because it's girly, so I can only tell you it's neither mine nor hers.

Maybe I forgot that I had fudged my resume by adding "graphology" on my list of skills, right there beside "gift of prophecy," as mentioned in an earlier post. My bad.

1 comment:

  1. Actually ranted about this at my students the other day.

