Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oh happy day

I get to move into the departing teacher's apartment! I get to move into the departing teacher's apartment! *HAPPY DANCE*

Less than 24 hours ago, I had been seriously contemplating pulling a midnight run.

Over a staff dinner for the departure of two teachers and welcoming one new one (more on that later), the director announced that I'd be moving into the departing native teacher's apartment and said, "Hopefully the new teacher [who will move into your apartment] will be a smoker." Good God, I love Korean logic. I feel really bad for the guy, but that's hugely outweighed by my effluence of joy right at this moment.

My new apartment is in the same building, two floors down, and the window faces east, so it will be a lot cooler than this one in the summer. And there's no mold! Or smoke! And the toilet works! And there are sheets! I'll be leaving a lovely view of a junky neighborhood, two windows on adjacent walls that allow a nice breeze when it's nice out, enough mold to condemn any building in a developed country, and an asshole neighbor downstairs who smokes like a chimney, and hopefully the resulting swollen tonsils and hacking cough that consumes the first half hour of my day.

Based on the departing teacher's departure date, I could move in as early as Monday. Which means I need to start packing now. I took this picture a few minutes ago:

Back to the departure of two teachers and arrival of one. One Korean teacher left this week and one arrived. One native teacher leaves after tomorrow and...three of us remain to cover a workload better suited for five or six teachers. Super! The new native teacher doesn't arrive for at least two weeks.

It is physically impossible for us three to teach all the classes- and the director even changed the schedule so I'd have to teach two different classes to two different grade levels at the exact same time. I informed the appropriate person that I could try to bilocate, but it might be messy. The schedule has since been amended, but there are still six classes throughout the week that the director will probably have to teach. Poor kids. She's hard.

It will be a rough couple of weeks, but I'll at least be able to sleep at night, and I expect that to make all the difference in the world.


  1. Congrats about the apt, sorry about the workload... at least its only for 2 weeks.....

  2. Yeah, and then I'll be back down to the normal 48 hours a week. Woo.
